Who we are
Largest Foreign Investor in Ukraine’s Renewables
UK-based company with largest foreign investments into Ukraine’s renewable energy since 2019 operating from offices in London, Kyiv and Odesa
Leading Ukrainian Renewables Producer
One of the largest operating portfolio with 636 MWp of installed capacity in solar and wind, generating 946,574 MWh of green energy annually which secures electricity for more than 790К people and offsets 726,969 tons of CO₂ emissions yearly.
Active Developer of New Generation Capacities and Storages
Advancing new wind and energy storage projects, including the 200+ MWp Lymanska and Danube Wind Parks in Odesa region as well as storage systems for energy arbitrage and management.
Professional Electricity Market Player
Among the first in Ukraine to adopt a commercial electricity sales model for renewables, fostering reliable, long-term partnerships and advanced market solutions.
Largest Foreign Investor in Ukraine’s Renewables
UK-based company with largest foreign investments into Ukraine’s renewable energy since 2019 operating from offices in London, Kyiv and Odesa
Leading Ukrainian Renewables Producer
One of the largest operating portfolio with 636 MWp of installed capacity in solar and wind, generating 946,574 MWh of green energy annually which secures electricity for more than 790К people and offsets 726,969 tons of CO₂ emissions yearly.
Active Developer of New Generation Capacities and Storages
Advancing new wind and energy storage projects, including the 200+ MWp Lymanska and Danube Wind Parks in Odesa region as well as storage systems for energy arbitrage and management.
Professional Electricity Market Player
Among the first in Ukraine to adopt a commercial electricity sales model for renewables, fostering reliable, long-term partnerships and advanced market solutions.
By the Numbers
power plants
29in operation
5under development
total capacity (MWp)
636current capacity
1000planned capacity
annual generation
CO2 avoided annually*
*Estimate based on UN Climate Change greenhouse gas accounting guidelines as outlined in AHG-001.